Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ghost In The Machine

That little ache
not so sweet
and a bit dull
Oh! Hey!
Moving out of bed,
That little pull
not quite a tear
right behind the
habitual knot in my
solar plexus,
lets me know it's there.
A bit inconvenient,
this finding of a slight
wrinkle in my
human suit,
rather distracting
if you ask me,
from the business
at hand.
I have things to do,
you see.
And none of them
pain or suffering.
Those must be carefully
or even
tip-toed around
so as to
not arouse the beast
demanding payment for
wasted energy
on separatist thoughts
and delusions of
personal control.
And who,
by the way,
is this mysterious "I"
walking around
inside of me,
pretending to have
answers about
nearly everything.
You know the one,
the one who never
stops chattering away
and their cousin
When I look around for this
hoping to look him in
the whites of his eyes,
he's nowhere to be found.
Just some old tapes
playing over the
tinny louspeaker
in my mind.

Scott Patrick Schwenk 8/20/09

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Nothing to say
riding these luscious
waves of This.
Rushing into
and Everything
as my chest rises and falls
with each pulsation
within the Changeless.
Your face appearing
everywhere I look.
Your gaze
lighting up my Heart
with the vision of
Why Oh Why
my mind,
do you still wander
so far away from the
hearth of God's love
into infinite kingdoms of
gain and loss...
When you could have
Rest in this inhalation,
This heartbeat,
The sound of the wasp
buzzing outside the window.
What more are you looking for?

Scott Patrick Schwenk 8/16/09

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

BreathWorks at Bhaktifest Sun 9/13

Transformative Grace, Simple Breath

I just got back last night from the East Coast with the work, the 3-hr Breathwork Immersion: Alchemy of Transformation was held at Virayoga in Soho, followed the next day with an afternoon workshop up at MindBodySoulYoga in Ft. Washington amid the drumbeat of near monsoon rains, finishing with a Full Moon/Eclipse workshop where 40 people and 2 Didgeridoo Masters took the breath to levels I’d not yet seen before as a group. Then 4 days with friends in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. It was a time for me to integrate the last number of months within myself, and refresh my intentions and my batteries in the bursting green woods.

And now, and now....back here in LA we dive into the work once again with Tonight’s The Practice. There are still spaces available, so if you’re feeling the call, reach me on 310-922-4890 to reserve your spot.



Coming out of the month of 3 eclipses, we’re ready to re-convene, re-collect, re-juvenate, and walk forward...

It’s time for the next round of The Practice...on Wed, August 12th.

We’re calling this evening THE PRACTICE, and it’s for ALL levels of experience with the Breath. It happens for now in the sanctity of my healing space in West Hollywood. Reserve your space as soon as you know you’ll be coming, as it fills up quickly...

In this workshop, there won’t be much talking. We’ll set some intention very quickly in the beginning, and then get right down to the business of the Breathwork; an ancient 3-part breathing meditation that takes you beyond the dream of the limited ego experience....into the space of GRACE, the space of KNOWING, the space of deep REJUVENATION.

This is designed to be a place to work deeply with the breath and build /strengthen the muscles for your home practice.

ARRIVE on-time or better yet, early. No one will be admitted after the breathwork begins to honor and support the safe space created for The Work.

When: Wednesday, August 12th, 2009
Time: 7:30-9:00pm

Exchange: $40

Where: 1226 Havenhurst Dr. #9
(Havenhurst is 1 block West of Crescent Heights between Santa Monica Blvd and Fountain Ave)

Parking: It’s best to park at a meter on Santa Monica Blvd or in the West Hollywood City Lot just South of Santa Monica Blvd behind Out Of The Closet between Havenhurst and La Jolla. The City Lot is $1 per hour in quarters. Other meters in the area are free after 6pm.

RSVP: Due to size of the space, please RSVP to hold your place. If need be, we’ll start a waiting list. 24hrs cancellation by phone. (310) 922-4890

BRING: A folded blanket and/or yoga mat to lay on for the breathing meditation, water, and a smile!


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Full Moon/Eclipse BreathWorks group with Live Music in NYC

Using the LIGHT to Navigate the Shadow

In this special BreathWorks collaboration with Didge Project (AJ Block and Tyler Sussman), we'll be working with the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse which will both be reaching their peak at 8:55pm this night, and an ancient rhythmic breathing meditation to magnify your Awareness, and expand your capacity to reveal and release any illusions you may still be carrying around LOVE. AJ and Tyler will be playing Didgeridoos during the breathwork. The Didge is said to be the very first instrument, after the human voice, and carries powerful vibrations to heal, reveal, release, and Awaken. Come join us!

When: Wednesday, August 5th, 2009
Time: 8:00pm (sharp) - 9:30pm
Where: Gallery 151, 350 Bowery (between E. 3rd St. and E. 4th St.)
Exchange: $40
Bring: Something to sit on and lay on for the breathwork (ie; yoga mat or folded blanket) and a small bottle of water.