Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Doorway to FREEDOM is Always Open ~ ECSTATIC BREATHWORK This Sunday~ 8/1 @The Hub

Sunday, August 1st ~ 5:30pm-7pm ~ The Hub (West LA) 

The Doorway to FREEDOM is Always Open

In any given day, the moment is brimming with doorways to recognizing and experiencing deeper FREEDOM within.  So often the ego keeps us reaching outside to control and manipulate circumstances and interactions from a place of insecurity, a place of hidden constriction around the Heart.

This Sunday, we’ll look at these simple doorways (practices) to opening the Heart and stepping into a place of Spaciousness, Ease, Freedom, and abiding Self-Love that expands exponentially with Attention and Practice.

Breath Deep. Heart Awake. Body Soft. Attention Clear and Present.

Join Us.

When:       SUNDAY night 8/1/10  5:30-7pm   
                    ((Arrive early to avoid being late))
Exchange:       $35
Where:      The Hub (
                    2001 S Barrington Ave, Suite 150, Los Angeles, CA 90025-5363 US
                    { S Barrington Ave between LaGrange and Mississippi }
                    Entrance for the Hub is located on street level at the ground floor of the
                    parking structure located on South Barrington Avenue.
Bring:          Yoga mat and/or blanket-we'll be sitting on the floor at first then lying down
                     for the breathwork.
RSVP:        You can reserve your spot through The Hub  310-575-4200

These ECSTATIC BREATHWORKSHOPS are nothing less than a journey deeper into the experience and expression of who and what you are, a journey into the Heart of Freedom within.  Through a simple and powerful breathing meditation, you gain and deepen the tools for seeing past your former limitations, gain muscle for being your own best ally, teacher, and healer, and deeply taste a place free of insecurity, full of self-love.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I Love You More Than You Know

I Love You More Than You Know

There are moments
When the veil
So thin
The gossamer 
So fine
My Heart convulsing
With the 
Motion and
In the plexus of 
Our humanity.
In a complete exhale
I release.
Rising with 
A fresh breath, and
With it New Life.

Scott Patrick Schwenk ~ 7/20/10

Deeper Freedom and Clear Boundaries ~ Full Moon ECSTATIC BREATHWORK This Sun 7/25 @Liberation Yoga

This Sunday, July 25th ~ 4:30pm-6pm ~ Liberation Yoga (Hancock Park/Weho)

Full Moon ~ Deeper Freedom and Clear Boundaries

The Moon will be reaching it’s peak of Fullness as we’re in the midst of ECSTATIC BREATHWORK this Sunday.  It’s a powerful time to wipe the slate clean from anything and everything that’s been sitting on your shoulders over the last month or longer.  And it’s a great time to have a fresh look at boundaries.  What are they?  Are they necessary?  Can they give you more SPACE to focus on your purpose?  Can they give you more room to Breathe Freely and Expand into all that you Are?

DATE:            Sunday, July 25th, 2010
Time:             4:30pm - 6pm (come early to avoid being late)
Exchange:              $40
Bring:            Yoga mat and/or blanket-we'll be sitting on the floor at first then lying down
                       for the breathwork.
Location:       Liberation Yoga
                      124 S. La Brea (btw 1st and 2nd)
                      Los Angeles, CA 90036
RSVP:           You can reserve your spot through Liberation Yoga  (323) 964-5222.

These ECSTATIC BREATHWORKSHOPS are nothing less than a journey deeper into the experience and expression of who and what you are, a journey into the Heart of Freedom within.  Through a simple and powerful breathing meditation, you gain and deepen the tools for seeing past your former limitations, gain muscle for being your own best ally, teacher, and healer, and deeply taste a place free of insecurity, full of self-love.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Gratitude: An Explosion of Joy ~ ECSTATIC BREATHWORK This Friday~ 7/16, 8-9:30pm @The Hub

Friday, July 16th ~ 8:00pm-9:30pm ~ The Hub (West LA) 

Gratitude ~ An Explosion of Joy

One of the points we’ve been working with for some time is this understanding of becoming one with the object of your focus, (ie; you merge with whatever you meditate on and give your attention to).  If you track your attention throughout any given day, and take note of where it goes, what do you see?  The Gratitude I’m pointing to is a radically powerful pathway for focusing your attention on the Truth of what you, and all of us actually Are.  Joy is a quality and an expression of your True Nature.  Gratitude is a form of active meditation on Joy.  Through the consistent practice of Gratitude, you will naturally become more Joyful...and this Joy will give rise to more Gratitude.  As you become more Grateful and Joyful, you will naturally attract more reasons to be Grateful and Joyful.   

Practices are active demonstrations of your intentions.  This Friday night, with the support of ECSTATIC BREATHWORK, we’ll dive deeper into the core of Gratitude and Joy and more deeply anchor your commitment to the practices that reveal this Gratitude and Joy within.   

When:       FRIDAY night 7/16/10  8-9:30pm   
                    ((Arrive early to avoid being late))
Exchange:       $35
Where:      The Hub (
                    2001 S Barrington Ave, Suite 150, Los Angeles, CA 90025-5363 US
                    { S Barrington Ave between LaGrange and Mississippi }
                    Entrance for the Hub is located on street level at the ground floor of the
                    parking structure located on South Barrington Avenue.
Bring:          Yoga mat and/or blanket-we'll be sitting on the floor at first then lying down
                     for the breathwork.
RSVP:        You can reserve your spot through The Hub  310-575-4200

These ECSTATIC BREATHWORKSHOPS are nothing less than a journey deeper into the experience and expression of who and what you are, a journey into the Heart of Freedom within.  Through a simple and powerful breathing meditation, you gain and deepen the tools for seeing past your former limitations, gain muscle for being your own best ally, teacher, and healer, and deeply taste a place free of insecurity, full of self-love.


Friday, July 2, 2010

FREEDOM ~ ECSTATIC BREATHWORK at the Weho Sanctuary ~ Wed 7/7, 7:30-9pm

Since The Hub is closed July 4th, I will not be teaching that day....however, I WILL be leading an ECSTATIC BREATHWORK group on Wednesday night here in the Weho Sanctuary:


What is True Freedom?  It cannot be given or taken.  It is within.  It is here. And it can be tasted, lived, and fully embodied.  Ecstatic Breathwork is a tool for diving deeper into this Freedom.  

Breath Deep. Heart Awake. Body Soft. Attention Clear.

Join Us.

These workshops are for all levels of experience and are nothing less than a tool for setting yourself free.  We’ll use a simple yet powerful breathing meditation as the linchpin for the work.  I call it ECSTATIC BREATHWORK.
When:   Wednesday, July 7th, 2010
Time:       7:30-9:00pm

Exchange:   $40  (no one turned away)

Where:  1226 Havenhurst Dr. #9
                (Havenhurst is 1 block West of Crescent Heights between Santa Monica Blvd and Fountain Ave)

Parking:    It’s best to park at a meter on Santa Monica Blvd or in the West Hollywood City Lot just South of Santa Monica Blvd behind Out Of The Closet between Havenhurst and La Jolla.  The City Lot is $1 per hour in quarters.  Other meters in the area are free after 6pm.

RSVP:      Due to size of the space, please RSVP to hold your place.  If need be, we’ll start a waiting list.
24hrs cancellation by phone. (310) 922-4890

BRING:      A folded blanket and/or yoga mat to lay on for the breathing meditation, water, and a smile!