Tuesday, September 28, 2010
David Elliott's Level 1 Healer Training ~ Nov 13-14 in Brooklyn, NY
Would you like to learn powerful efficient tools for taking big leaps in refining and trusting your Intuition, healing yourself, healing others, & deepening Self-Love as a gateway to expanding Freedom?
Join us on November 13 & 14th in Greenpoint, Brooklyn where I’ll be teaching David Elliott’s Level 1 Healer Training. If you’ve already taken the class, you’re invited to review it at half-price. Between taking the class and teaching it, I’ve jumped into the material well over 25 times, and I’m always amazed at how much more I soak up each time.
Here’s what David Elliott (creator of the Healer Training Series) has to say about the Level 1 Class:
“This 2 day course gives you the basic tools of this technique. Ideally students have read the book or listened to the audio of THE RELUCTANT HEALER and HEALING and become familiar with the written information prior to the start of the class. Once the class begins the process of understanding and connecting to your energy and intuition is initiated. The first technique used to connect you to your energy is an ancient breathing technique known as pranayama yoga. This technique has been fine-tuned by David with over twenty years of practice and use in healing. Just the breathing training alone will give the participants an incredibly powerful tool. There will be much practical application working with the breath during this 2-day course. Simultaneously you will be learning how to access your intuition through the openings that occur with the breathing - which will provide you with an unobstructed pathway to spirit. The intuition exercises have been specifically created for this class. Your connection to spirit will be powerful. Spirit always shows up as you learn to access it though your energy! Once this connection is made you will learn how to work with energy to bring about your own healing. This is accomplished by clearing the blocks on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. And finally the healing work segues into an understanding of how to work with others. You will have a partner each day to work and share your gifts with. Each person's gifts and talents are brought out to establish originality with each healer. The whole class is a lot of fun!”
"After watching Scott teach the class I realize there are parts of the class he teaches better than me. If you have any desire to be a healer take this class, you will learn a lot about yourself, your intuition, and healing!" David Elliott
When: Saturday & Sunday, November 13-14, 2010
Time: 9am-4pm (arrive early to avoid being late)
Where: 97 Green Street Apt G3
Greenpoint, Brooklyn 11222
(718) 757-2758
Exchange: $475 ($425 if paid-in-full by Nov 1, 2010). **Payment Plans are available for this class.
How to Register: Call Scott on 310-922-4890 or send an email to scott@trustthebreath.com, I’ll give you complete payment instructions.
Bring: A Notebook and Pen, Folded blanket or yoga mat, Eye Pillow if you have one, and any healing tools you may have (oils, sage, etc. and don’t worry if you don’t yet have any.) We'll move between sitting on the floor and laying down for the breath meditations. If you tend to get chilly, bring a warmer layer to put on.
Directions: You can take the G train to the Greenpoint avenue stop and exit the train station towards India street. You will be on Manhattan avenue. From there cross India street and continue walking north on Manhattan for two blocks. Turn left onto Green street. We are the cream colored warehouse at the end of the block. There are many doors on this building. Ours says 97 Green Street Apt G3.
(310) 922-4890
Awakening The Net of Support ~ ECSTATIC BREATHWORK This Sunday~ 10/3 5:30-7pm @The Hub
Sunday, October 3rd ~ 5:30pm-7pm ~ The Hub (West LA)
Net of Support or Web of Illusion ~ The Gift of Clarity
There’s a potent teaching story from India that’s been handed down through the generations. It’s about cultivating what in Sanskrit is called ‘Viveka’ or ‘Discrimination’. The story talks about a dirt road outside of a rural village at night. Walking along this road, up ahead appears something long, large, and ominous laying across the road. Is it one of the jungle’s enormous snakes waiting to make you into dinner? Or is it a large length of rope that fell off a wagon passing through the village? The mind is so creative...if it believes the object is a dangerous snake, watch the thoughts and emotions is spins, pushing adrenaline through the body. If the mind sees a rope, all remains calm.
We’ve all got circumstances. We’ve all got other humans in our lives. And most of all, we’ve got ourselves all day every day. When the Light of Discrimination is Awakened, Intuition and Clarity are available as part of a vast and potent Net of Support that is felt, recognized, and let in. When this lamp of discrimination is not lit, or dim, any one of us can get caught in the Web of Illusion.
This Sunday, we’ll work with the breath, and more specifically, the profound Awareness that moves on the breath to brighten this Light of Discrimination and Clarity. And here’s an extra tidbit ~ Self-Love is both fuel and an outcome of this Light! Join us!!
Breath Deep. Heart Awake. Body Soft. Attention Clear and Present.
Join Us.
There’s a potent teaching story from India that’s been handed down through the generations. It’s about cultivating what in Sanskrit is called ‘Viveka’ or ‘Discrimination’. The story talks about a dirt road outside of a rural village at night. Walking along this road, up ahead appears something long, large, and ominous laying across the road. Is it one of the jungle’s enormous snakes waiting to make you into dinner? Or is it a large length of rope that fell off a wagon passing through the village? The mind is so creative...if it believes the object is a dangerous snake, watch the thoughts and emotions is spins, pushing adrenaline through the body. If the mind sees a rope, all remains calm.
We’ve all got circumstances. We’ve all got other humans in our lives. And most of all, we’ve got ourselves all day every day. When the Light of Discrimination is Awakened, Intuition and Clarity are available as part of a vast and potent Net of Support that is felt, recognized, and let in. When this lamp of discrimination is not lit, or dim, any one of us can get caught in the Web of Illusion.
This Sunday, we’ll work with the breath, and more specifically, the profound Awareness that moves on the breath to brighten this Light of Discrimination and Clarity. And here’s an extra tidbit ~ Self-Love is both fuel and an outcome of this Light! Join us!!
Breath Deep. Heart Awake. Body Soft. Attention Clear and Present.
Join Us.
When: SUNDAY night 10/3/10 5:30-7pm
((Arrive early to avoid being late))
Exchange: $35
Where: The Hub (http://thehub-la.com)
2001 S Barrington Ave, Suite 150, Los Angeles, CA 90025-5363 US
{ S Barrington Ave between LaGrange and Mississippi }
Entrance for the Hub is located on street level at the ground floor of the
parking structure located on South Barrington Avenue.
Bring: Yoga mat and/or blanket-we'll be sitting on the floor at first then lying down
for the breathwork.
RSVP: You can reserve your spot through The Hub 310-575-4200
These ECSTATIC BREATHWORKSHOPS are nothing less than a journey deeper into the experience and expression of who and what you are, a journey into the Heart of Freedom within. Through a simple and powerful breathing meditation, you gain and deepen the tools for seeing past your former limitations, gain muscle for being your own best ally, teacher, and healer, and deeply taste a place free of insecurity, full of self-love.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Self-Love ~ The Ultimate Short-Cut
In the last several days, my past has been coming back to revisit me. As I sit here at my desk watching my breath, grounding deeper into the Earth, feeling the sensations in my body in this moment....the dots are connecting with more lucidity. I've been clearing a considerable amount of credit card debt this month, which for me represents places in my past where I used the short-cut of credit to get something in the moment that I didn't have the resources to purchase with cash. Bear with me here, as I'm choosing to look much deeper than the surface of things where credit and debt are considered normal and a regular part of life for so many. I'm choosing to look deeper than ever at my relationship with resources, and how the amount of flow of resources through my life is correlate to the depth of my trust and love in my Self.
A handful of people have been surfacing over the last few days with whom I'd had situations in the past at times when my sense of self was projected so much more onto how the world thought of me...or at least how I felt the world thought of me. In each of these cases, I made decisions out of suppressed insecurity in the moment. In a couple of cases, they were decisions to engage in purchases or deals where my part of the exchange would be handled "later". Basically, on credit. In both cases, my ego seduced me into believing that the service or product was urgently needed, and would dramatically improve the quality of my life. And in both cases, in retrospect, I would've been fine without said "improvements" or waiting until I had the funds.
In these cases, the psychic energy coming to me has felt draining and more than a little aggressive. It's definitely getting my attention and cause for me to slow down, pay attention, and humbly ask my intuition to teach me...to bring me clarity so that I can recoup my energy, release the investments that left me open to these "feeding energies", and return to expansion and Love here and now.
Engaging in these deals without the funds combined with the strong "expectations" that these deals were going to somehow quickly save me from something, set me up to have my personal energy supply be wide open for feeding. The antidote? Self-Love. My real-time, in-the-moment practice of connecting with self-love has become deep, strong, and continues to grow. However, because I'm dealing with situations from the past, my practice has to be strong enough to be in the moment and fill the void of insecurity lurking from the past. It requires extra vigilance, extra clarity, extra neutrality, and extra self-love.
This is all coming to light as I'm preparing myself for David Elliott's next Global Healing Group on October 10th focusing on Psychic Boundaries. As he mentions in the invitation letter, really consciously dealing with Psychic Boundaries is the steepest gradient. It's steep because it's not obvious to most of us, most of the time. We've been so easily distracted by the surface of life, and by the idea that happiness is something to be gotten in transactions with the outer world and the people in it, rather than an innate quality of the Self revealed through abiding self-love.
So I've been more focused than ever these last couple of days in noticing the thoughts crossing my mind...noticing which people come to mind, how often, and what happens to my energy when thoughts of them arise. If my energy expands with a thought, I know it's probably based in Love. If my energy sinks or dissipates, I know the exchange is off, and that I must go deeper into self-love as I'm setting these psychic boundaries.
As I've been paying off debt again, I'm noticing a lot more frequency in the last two days of thoughts of people that come with a drop in my energy. This morning, the clarity from my intuition is strong. It's showing me that I'm revisiting places in my consciousness, places that in the past I've pulled away from out of insecurity...I'm being given fresh opportunities in these areas to stay present, deepen my breath, connect with the feeling self-love, and remain neutral...even when, and especially when I'm uncomfortable or feeling triggered toward negative emotion. As I choose love through the discomfort, I'm building stronger muscles for freedom. As I choose love, I see more clearly that it's only the ego that is uncomfortable. Love is my True Nature, and Love itself is content in itself. I'm re-orienting more of my attention to the Truth of who and what I am.
For now it's a process. I choose to make deeper peace with the process. I choose Peace. I'm demonstrating these choices to myself in the moment by consciously breathing into the old empty crevices with self-love, self-trust, self-appreciation, and recognition in the moment of who and what I am.
It turns out that Self-Love is the ultimate short-cut. The ego will likely always think otherwise. And in the words of Adyashanti, "Ego is always pretending to be the most important thing going on."
A handful of people have been surfacing over the last few days with whom I'd had situations in the past at times when my sense of self was projected so much more onto how the world thought of me...or at least how I felt the world thought of me. In each of these cases, I made decisions out of suppressed insecurity in the moment. In a couple of cases, they were decisions to engage in purchases or deals where my part of the exchange would be handled "later". Basically, on credit. In both cases, my ego seduced me into believing that the service or product was urgently needed, and would dramatically improve the quality of my life. And in both cases, in retrospect, I would've been fine without said "improvements" or waiting until I had the funds.
In these cases, the psychic energy coming to me has felt draining and more than a little aggressive. It's definitely getting my attention and cause for me to slow down, pay attention, and humbly ask my intuition to teach me...to bring me clarity so that I can recoup my energy, release the investments that left me open to these "feeding energies", and return to expansion and Love here and now.
Engaging in these deals without the funds combined with the strong "expectations" that these deals were going to somehow quickly save me from something, set me up to have my personal energy supply be wide open for feeding. The antidote? Self-Love. My real-time, in-the-moment practice of connecting with self-love has become deep, strong, and continues to grow. However, because I'm dealing with situations from the past, my practice has to be strong enough to be in the moment and fill the void of insecurity lurking from the past. It requires extra vigilance, extra clarity, extra neutrality, and extra self-love.
This is all coming to light as I'm preparing myself for David Elliott's next Global Healing Group on October 10th focusing on Psychic Boundaries. As he mentions in the invitation letter, really consciously dealing with Psychic Boundaries is the steepest gradient. It's steep because it's not obvious to most of us, most of the time. We've been so easily distracted by the surface of life, and by the idea that happiness is something to be gotten in transactions with the outer world and the people in it, rather than an innate quality of the Self revealed through abiding self-love.
So I've been more focused than ever these last couple of days in noticing the thoughts crossing my mind...noticing which people come to mind, how often, and what happens to my energy when thoughts of them arise. If my energy expands with a thought, I know it's probably based in Love. If my energy sinks or dissipates, I know the exchange is off, and that I must go deeper into self-love as I'm setting these psychic boundaries.
As I've been paying off debt again, I'm noticing a lot more frequency in the last two days of thoughts of people that come with a drop in my energy. This morning, the clarity from my intuition is strong. It's showing me that I'm revisiting places in my consciousness, places that in the past I've pulled away from out of insecurity...I'm being given fresh opportunities in these areas to stay present, deepen my breath, connect with the feeling self-love, and remain neutral...even when, and especially when I'm uncomfortable or feeling triggered toward negative emotion. As I choose love through the discomfort, I'm building stronger muscles for freedom. As I choose love, I see more clearly that it's only the ego that is uncomfortable. Love is my True Nature, and Love itself is content in itself. I'm re-orienting more of my attention to the Truth of who and what I am.
For now it's a process. I choose to make deeper peace with the process. I choose Peace. I'm demonstrating these choices to myself in the moment by consciously breathing into the old empty crevices with self-love, self-trust, self-appreciation, and recognition in the moment of who and what I am.
It turns out that Self-Love is the ultimate short-cut. The ego will likely always think otherwise. And in the words of Adyashanti, "Ego is always pretending to be the most important thing going on."
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
When All Is Said And Done
When All is said and done,
will you
to check your roots for
the Source of your nutrients?
Will you remember that
this very stem,
these proud emerald leaves
and oh-so-alluring petals
fluttering in the sweet afternoon breeze
are all on
the express train
back to the Nothing
from whence they came?
And will you
cling to the flittering flaky fragments...
ancient foliage finely ground to dust with
time's relentless mortar and pestle?
Will you then,
Dear One,
willingly remember;
You are, and
always have been,
This boundless pulsation of
ricocheting through
all plants
Scott Patrick Schwenk 9/20/10
will you
to check your roots for
the Source of your nutrients?
Will you remember that
this very stem,
these proud emerald leaves
and oh-so-alluring petals
fluttering in the sweet afternoon breeze
are all on
the express train
back to the Nothing
from whence they came?
And will you
cling to the flittering flaky fragments...
ancient foliage finely ground to dust with
time's relentless mortar and pestle?
Will you then,
Dear One,
willingly remember;
You are, and
always have been,
This boundless pulsation of
ricocheting through
all plants
Scott Patrick Schwenk 9/20/10
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Cleansing The Doors of Perception ~ ECSTATIC BREATHWORK, Sun 9/26 4:30-6pm @Liberation Yoga
Sunday, September 26th ~ 4:30pm-6pm ~ Liberation Yoga (Hancock Park/Weho)
Cleansing The Doors of Perception ~ Preparing The Ground For Fresh Growth
“The world is as you see it,” says the Yoga Vasistha. It’s been a busy Summer for most of us, and for many, a rollercoaster ride through the gamut of experiences and situations ~ all of it an opportunity to grow deeper roots of clarity into what matters most. It’s time to wipe the slate clean with the approach of the Fall Equinox, deeply recharge your batteries, and set your course for the next leg of the journey. Suzuki Roshi, a great Zen master of the last century said that, “the most imortant thing in life is to find out what the most important thing is,” and to FOCUS on it. With the profound support of ECSTATIC BREATHWORK, Intention, and Awareness, we’ll focus on cleansing the past with gratitude, and setting the course on what matters most going forward, to YOU...and have FUN doing it!
DATE: Sunday, September 26th, 2010“The world is as you see it,” says the Yoga Vasistha. It’s been a busy Summer for most of us, and for many, a rollercoaster ride through the gamut of experiences and situations ~ all of it an opportunity to grow deeper roots of clarity into what matters most. It’s time to wipe the slate clean with the approach of the Fall Equinox, deeply recharge your batteries, and set your course for the next leg of the journey. Suzuki Roshi, a great Zen master of the last century said that, “the most imortant thing in life is to find out what the most important thing is,” and to FOCUS on it. With the profound support of ECSTATIC BREATHWORK, Intention, and Awareness, we’ll focus on cleansing the past with gratitude, and setting the course on what matters most going forward, to YOU...and have FUN doing it!
Time: 4:30pm - 6pm (come early to avoid being late)
Exchange: $40
Bring: Yoga mat and/or blanket-we'll be sitting on the floor at first then lying down
for the breathwork.
Location: Liberation Yoga
124 S. La Brea (btw 1st and 2nd)
Los Angeles, CA 90036
RSVP: You can reserve your spot through Liberation Yoga (323) 964-5222.
These ECSTATIC BREATHWORKSHOPS are nothing less than a journey deeper into the experience and expression of who and what you are, a journey into the Heart of Freedom within. Through a simple and powerful breathing meditation, you gain and deepen the tools for seeing past your former limitations, gain muscle for being your own best ally, teacher, and healer, and deeply taste a place free of insecurity, full of self-love.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
"Embracing The Unknown" ~ This Friday 8-9:30pm, Ecstatic Breathwork at The Hub
In the Tantric scriptures of Kashmir, Knowledge is revealed as being either limited and bound (which gives rise to suffering) or Living Knowledge which gives rise to Freedom. Learning to let go of limited knowledge through trust, surrender, and embrace of the unknown makes SPACE for Living Knowledge to be revealed with in, and with it, all the ecstasy, joy, love, and freedom we’ve been seeking through so many externals. Come dive in!
FRIDAY, September 17th 8-9:30pm ~ EMBRACING THE UNKNOWN;
In the Heart of the Unknown, the alchemy of transformation, Awakening, and truly LIVING await. Intellectual knowing is all accumulated from the past, and has its place...and it won’t reveal that Inner Splendor at the Heart of Who and What you are. For that, you must Trust yourself enough let go of the known and dive into the awesome, the Heart of Freedom, the Unknown. It’s the safest place of all in this free-fall. We’ll focus intention and the power of this Ecstatic Breathwork to reveal and let go into this Inner Splendor in all it’s glory!
Breath Deep. Heart Awake. Body Soft. Attention Clear.
Join Us.
These workshops are for all levels of experience and are nothing less than a tool for setting yourself free. We’ll use a simple yet powerful breathing meditation as the linchpin for the work. I call it ECSTATIC BREATHWORK.
In the Heart of the Unknown, the alchemy of transformation, Awakening, and truly LIVING await. Intellectual knowing is all accumulated from the past, and has its place...and it won’t reveal that Inner Splendor at the Heart of Who and What you are. For that, you must Trust yourself enough let go of the known and dive into the awesome, the Heart of Freedom, the Unknown. It’s the safest place of all in this free-fall. We’ll focus intention and the power of this Ecstatic Breathwork to reveal and let go into this Inner Splendor in all it’s glory!
Breath Deep. Heart Awake. Body Soft. Attention Clear.
Join Us.
These workshops are for all levels of experience and are nothing less than a tool for setting yourself free. We’ll use a simple yet powerful breathing meditation as the linchpin for the work. I call it ECSTATIC BREATHWORK.
When: FRIDAY night 9/17/10 8-9:30pm
((Arrive early to avoid being late))
Exchange: $35
Where: The Hub (http://thehub-la.com)
2001 S Barrington Ave, Suite 150, Los Angeles, CA 90025-5363 US
{ S Barrington Ave between LaGrange and Mississippi }
Entrance for the Hub is located on street level at the ground floor of the
parking structure located on South Barrington Avenue.
Bring: Yoga mat and/or blanket-we'll be sitting on the floor at first then lying down
for the breathwork.
RSVP: You can reserve your spot through The Hub 310-575-4200
These ECSTATIC BREATHWORKSHOPS are nothing less than a journey deeper into the experience and expression of who and what you are, a journey into the Heart of Freedom within. Through a simple and powerful breathing meditation, you gain and deepen the tools for seeing past your former limitations, gain muscle for being your own best ally, teacher, and healer, and deeply taste a place free of insecurity, full of self-love.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Love Without Measure
All these minutes
Cascading over
The sun-bleached hairs of my toes,
Tides of memory and
Giving way
To a world revolving
Outside of
Ticking, tocking,
Clicking and clocking.
You Who need no measure
To dance, swirl, and
Paint the world
With your colorfilled notes,
Your waters lapping at
The sweet walls of
The cave of my Heart.
Scott Patrick Schwenk 9/6/10
This Weekend ~ Bhaktifest, Global Healing Group, and Ecstatic Breathwork at The Hub
WOW!!! What a Summer! I hope you’re having as much fun and expansion as I am!
It’s been a whirlwind of healing, depth, fun, and laughter these last couple of weeks....two workshops and sessions in NYC, followed by a personal retreat in the lush vibrant green Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, then another in the captivating ecstasy of the red rocks of Sedona with my friend and mentor David Elliott.
I’m here in Los Angeles just long enough to do some laundry, see a few clients for healing sessions, and pack up for Joshua Tree.
We’ll be out in the High Desert this weekend for Bhaktifest ( http://www.bhaktifest.com/ ). David Elliott will be leading a workshop on Friday night from 5:30-6:45pm in the Sanctuary, and I’ll be leading a workshop on Saturday morning from 11am-12:30pm in the Meditation Hall. Come on out and join us!!!
Then THIS SUNDAY, there’ll be 2 events back here in LA. Sunday morning, I’ll be hosting the next Global Healing Group with David Elliott via online global broadcast out of my home in West Hollywood from 10-11:30am.
Then Sunday night from 5:30-7pm I’ll be filling in at The Hub in West LA leading ECSTATIC BREATHWORK. The focus is THE PEACE THAT PASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING.
Scroll Down for details for Sunday morning and Sunday evening:
”The September Global Healing Group is coming up fast! The focus this month is on discipline and how to use it to deepen your faith and commitment to self-love. This GHG will be a great opportunity to take a look at your spiritual practice and see if there is more room to love, laugh and play while staying committed to your spirit.” ~David
When: Sunday, September 12th, 2010
Time: 10:00am-11:30am
Exchange: $35
Where: 1226 Havenhurst Dr. #9
(Havenhurst is 1 block West of Crescent Heights between Santa Monica Blvd and Fountain Ave)
Parking: It’s best to park at a meter on Santa Monica Blvd or in the West Hollywood City Lot just South of Santa Monica Blvd behind Out Of The Closet between Havenhurst and La Jolla. The City Lot is $1 per hour in quarters. Other meters in the area are free after 6pm.
RSVP: Due to size of the space, please RSVP to hold your place. If need be, we’ll start a waiting list. 24hrs cancellation by phone. (310) 922-4890
BRING: A folded blanket and/or yoga mat to lay on for the breathing meditation, water, and a smile!
Peace is not a thought or an emotion, it is an expression of the very Nature of who and what you are. Recognizing it, Trusting it, and letting it permeate the fibers of your experience is the focus of this night. Let yourself ignite the passion for cultivating a deeper relationship with what is permanent, lasting, and whole...with The Peace That Passes All Understanding.
Breath Deep. Heart Awake. Body Soft. Attention Clear.
Join Us.
These workshops are for all levels of experience and are nothing less than a tool for setting yourself free. We’ll use a simple yet powerful breathing meditation as the linchpin for the work. I call it ECSTATIC BREATHWORK.
Peace is not a thought or an emotion, it is an expression of the very Nature of who and what you are. Recognizing it, Trusting it, and letting it permeate the fibers of your experience is the focus of this night. Let yourself ignite the passion for cultivating a deeper relationship with what is permanent, lasting, and whole...with The Peace That Passes All Understanding.
Breath Deep. Heart Awake. Body Soft. Attention Clear.
Join Us.
These workshops are for all levels of experience and are nothing less than a tool for setting yourself free. We’ll use a simple yet powerful breathing meditation as the linchpin for the work. I call it ECSTATIC BREATHWORK.
When: SUNDAY night 9/12/10 5:30-7pm
((Arrive early to avoid being late))
Exchange: $35
Where: The Hub (http://thehub-la.com)
2001 S Barrington Ave, Suite 150, Los Angeles, CA 90025-5363 US
{ S Barrington Ave between LaGrange and Mississippi }
Entrance for the Hub is located on street level at the ground floor of the
parking structure located on South Barrington Avenue.
Bring: Yoga mat and/or blanket-we'll be sitting on the floor at first then lying down
for the breathwork.
RSVP: You can reserve your spot through The Hub 310-575-4200
These ECSTATIC BREATHWORKSHOPS are nothing less than a journey deeper into the experience and expression of who and what you are, a journey into the Heart of Freedom within. Through a simple and powerful breathing meditation, you gain and deepen the tools for seeing past your former limitations, gain muscle for being your own best ally, teacher, and healer, and deeply taste a place free of insecurity, full of self-love.
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