Monday, November 29, 2010

Lightheartedness, Ease, and Flow ~ ECSTATIC BREATHWORK ~ Tues 11/30, 8-9:30pm @Blink To Light in Glendale

  Tuesday, November 30th ~ 8:00pm-9:30pm ~ Blink To Light Yoga Studio (Glendale) 

Lightheartedness, Ease, and Flow

As we move into the final month of 2010, what have you not yet fully completed?  What do you still need to integrate and digest to be ready to create 2011?  How can cultivating lightheartedness, ease, and flow GIVE you energy to complete things and ENJOY yourself and the process?  What have you been unable to digest from the last year or longer ago?  Now is the time!  How you end one thing is how you begin the next...

Breath Deep. Heart Awake. Body Soft. Attention Clear and Present.

Join Us.

DATE:            Tuesday, November 30th, 2010
Time:             8:00pm - 9:30pm (come early to avoid being late)
Exchange:              $40
Bring:            Yoga mat and/or blanket-we'll be sitting on the floor at first then lying down
                       for the breathwork.
Location:       Blink To Light
                      412  1/2 S. Central Ave
                      Glendale, CA 91204
RSVP:           You can reserve your spot through Blink To Light  (818) 468-8724.

These ECSTATIC BREATHWORKSHOPS are nothing less than a journey deeper into the experience and expression of who and what you are, a journey into the Heart of Freedom within.  Through a simple and powerful breathing meditation, you gain and deepen the tools for seeing past your former limitations, gain muscle for being your own best ally, teacher, and healer, and deeply taste a place free of insecurity, full of self-love.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

On The Verge Of In-Between

I'm on the verge of being present in a way I didn't even know existed.  And I'm writing about it as a way of feeling the texture of it, immersing in it to get to know it more deeply.  Even though I know theoretically that there's no such actuality as "inside" and "outside" when it comes to consciousness or the Absolute, that it's one big everything/nothing/everywhere/nowhere, directly experiencing it is a whole other matter.  So there's this direct experience that's been making itself known over the past week while my Mom was visiting.  That in itself is wholly fascinating to me as well -- taking a leap in awareness while intensively with family.  Habitually, those were the times when I'd feel I'd lost a lot of the muscles for presence and awareness by the end of a week.

So this sense of something is becoming increasingly more apparent.  I had to laugh that the most noticeable spike of Awareness to seemingly kick off my noticing of whatever it is that's going on (I know, I know....could that sound any more vague?  Ha ha ha....), happened while watching BURLESQUE with my Mom on Friday afternoon.

I found myself magnetized by Christina Aguilera's character's unwavering focus, passion, and commitment to developing herself, for being the absolute best at her craft without suppressing or damaging anyone or anything else along the way.  This fierce laser-like focus is undeniable.  (As a sidenote, that I'd be getting head-to-toe goosebumps in a musical-like movie with Cher and Aguilera made me question my butch-ness, ha ha ha).

Watching Aguilera's character, I immediately went to the thought, 'What if I gave that kind of consistent focus and attention to the Presence (this is what I call 'Reality' or the 'Absolute' or the 'One without a second' or 'Pure Consciousness')...what if my attention to this Presence were unwavering, allowing it unfettered movement through all of my being?  What would be possible for the people who come to work with me?  What would life be like?

The answer felt a bit like walking in the airport and suddenly getting on one of those moving sidewalks, only at hyper-speed...everything accelerated, and immediately.  The only way to have some sense of balance is to completely let go of control, to relax, keep focused on the Presence, and wait to be moved and directed.

As I came out of the theatre, I stayed with it.  And I noticed that it was drawing focus.  People were turning to look.  This was the first test of remaining focused on the Presence.  It's not about me.  It's not me they're looking at.  It's the same Presence that moves through everything, and somehow it's more noticeable in this moment.  Rather than need their looks to fill up any empty places within me, my job is to let the Presence fill in those places, as only it can.

In the following days, up to now, something keeps reminding me to let go, relax, and return my inner gaze to this Presence, and to be noticing it everywhere.

It's strange to attempt to articulate it at this point.  But there's a felt difference in looking at the trees outside the window by my writing desk in an old habitual way as separate objects that I'm looking at, or looking at them, and even feeling them, as part of this same energy flow that I'm feeling moving through and as my own Awareness.  And yet the eyes still "see" trees.  The feeling is very different though.  It feels more Whole.  There's a diminished sense of urgency within me.  I didn't even know how urgent I can be a lot of the time (about who knows what, just urgent), except in retrospect, in these moments where there's so much less of it.

Writing about it is such a paradox for my mind.  There's this ease-full contented feeling of nothing to do, nowhere to go, and yet knowing there are things to do and places to go today at specific times.  The sense that's becoming more pronounced the more I focus on it, is that none of these activities are about getting something.

Back to my thought in the movie, 'What if I let my job be to 100% give all my heart and focus to this Presence?'  And the response is a loud, "HELL YES!"  Going and seeing 127 HOURS last night made this focus even more compelling.  This guy must cut off his own arm to survive (true story). 

Suzuki Roshi, a great Zen teacher, often taught, "Death is certain, the time is not.  What is the most important thing?  Focus on it." 

I know I'm not my body, my thoughts, or my emotions.  Yet I can still be seduced into those worlds.  And it's not about avoiding or denying my body, thoughts, or emotions either.  It's this in-between place of focus.  I'm on the verge of in-between.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


There is
only Love
inside this gateless gate.

as myriad
like the sahara
always still
and only
crystalline sand,
there is
only Love
outside this gateless gate.

Scott Patrick Schwenk     11/24/10

Monday, November 22, 2010

Freedom from Insecurity in Relationships ~ Freedom to Love ~ ECSTATIC BREATHWORK, Sun 11/28, 4:30-6pm @Liberation Yoga

Sunday, November 28th ~ 4:30pm-6pm ~ Liberation Yoga (Hancock Park/Weho) 

Freedom from Insecurity in Relationships ~ Freedom to Love

Continuing on from our theme last month of “freedom from debt, freedom from the past”, we’ll shine deeper clarity into the area of relationships.  Most people will be drawn to look at human relationships, and in particular, romantic relationships.  The lens for this workshop is a little wider, to include relationship with people, resources, and Awareness.  How you relate to yourself is how you relate to your world.  Do you come from a place of deficit or insecurity in any of your relationships?  How would deeper self-love and self-trust help you to feel more expanded, clear, grounded, and able to ENJOY all your relationships?

Breath Deep. Heart Awake. Body Soft. Attention Clear and Present.

Join Us.

DATE:            Sunday, November 28th, 2010
Time:             4:30pm - 6pm (come early to avoid being late)
Exchange:              $40
Bring:            Yoga mat and/or blanket-we'll be sitting on the floor at first then lying down
                       for the breathwork.
Location:       Liberation Yoga
                      124 S. La Brea (btw 1st and 2nd)
                      Los Angeles, CA 90036
RSVP:           You can reserve your spot through Liberation Yoga  (323) 964-5222.

These ECSTATIC BREATHWORKSHOPS are nothing less than a journey deeper into the experience and expression of who and what you are, a journey into the Heart of Freedom within.  Through a simple and powerful breathing meditation, you gain and deepen the tools for seeing past your former limitations, gain muscle for being your own best ally, teacher, and healer, and deeply taste a place free of insecurity, full of self-love.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Your Deepest Heart's Longing ~ Ecstatic Breathwork, this Fri 11/19 8-9:30pm at The Hub

Friday, November 19th ~ 8:00-9:30pm ~ The Hub (West LA) 

Your Deepest Heart’s Longing ~

What’s that one thing, deep in your Heart, that you most long for, most yearn to experience?  What FEELING would you experience with this longing fulfilled?  Now is the time.     

Breath Deep. Heart Awake. Body Soft. Attention Clear and Present.

Join Us.

When:       FRIDAY night 11/19/10  8-9:30pm   
                    ((Arrive early to avoid being late))
Exchange:       $35
Where:      The Hub (
                    2001 S Barrington Ave, Suite 150, Los Angeles, CA 90025-5363 US
                    { S Barrington Ave between LaGrange and Mississippi }
                    Entrance for the Hub is located on street level at the ground floor of the
                    parking structure located on South Barrington Avenue.
Bring:          Yoga mat and/or blanket-we'll be sitting on the floor at first then lying down
                     for the breathwork.
RSVP:        You can reserve your spot through The Hub  310-575-4200

These ECSTATIC BREATHWORKSHOPS are nothing less than a journey deeper into the experience and expression of who and what you are, a journey into the Heart of Freedom within.  Through a simple and powerful breathing meditation, you gain and deepen the tools for seeing past your former limitations, gain muscle for being your own best ally, teacher, and healer, and deeply taste a place free of insecurity, full of self-love.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ecstatic Breathwork in NYC ~ Evening Workshop 11/10, Healer Training 11/13-14

Wow!  It’s already time for me to start packing for next weeks healing work in NYC!  I’m very excited to be back on the East Coast with you and this work.  Fall has always been my favorite season growing up in Upstate New York.  The fiery colors of the turning leaves always woke something beautiful up inside of me.  The amber smell of the leaves composting, cozy sweaters, group dinners, fireplaces, and coming together to celebrate life!

I’ll be teaching an Ecstatic Breathworkshop Wednesday night, November 10th from 7:30-9pm in Chelsea called Deeper Awakening of the Heart.  And on Saturday and Sunday, Nov 13-14th I’ll teach David Elliott’s Level 1 Healer Training at Maha Rose in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.  I’m still keeping my eyes and ears open for a good light easy space to offer private sessions by appointment on Thursday and Friday, Nov 11 & 12th.  If you have a space you’d be open to having me use, please reach me as soon as you’re able.  DETAILS BELOW on the Workshop and Healer Training.

Chelsea Ecstatic Breathworkshop - Wednesday,November 10th, 7:30-9:00pm

Deeper Awakening of the Heart

The Heart is a physical organ that exchanges blood, oxygen, and vital nutrients with every bit of the body, sustaining it’s life.  The Heart center is the steward of self-love, entryway to refined intuition, and doorway to the Joy, Connectedness, Completion, Wholeness, and Universal Love so many of us have spent years, money, and precious life-force seeking on the outside.  What’s possible in becoming anchored more deeply in the Heart?  In your own innate Wholeness?

In this Ecstatic Breathworkshop, we’ll work with Awareness, intention, and an ancient rhythmic breathing process to reveal the treasure house that is your Heart.

Breath Deep. Heart Awake. Body Soft. Attention Clear and Present.

Join Us.

Wednesday, November 10th
Time:    7:30-9:00pm  (arrive early to avoid being late)

Where: Moving Body Resources
            112 West 27th St, 4th Floor
            (27th St btw 6th and 7th)

Exchange:  $40

Bring:  A folded blanked or yoga mat and eye-pillow if you have one.  We'll be sitting on the floor at first then move to laying down for the breath meditation.  If you tend to get chilly, bring a warmer layer to put on.


David Elliott’s Level 1 Healer Training

Would you like to learn powerful efficient tools for taking big leaps in refining and trusting your Intuition, healing yourself, healing others, & deepening Self-Love as a gateway to expanding Freedom?

Join us on November 13 & 14th in Greenpoint, Brooklyn where I’ll be teaching
David Elliott’s Level 1 Healer Training.  If you’ve already taken the class, you’re invited to review it at half-price.  Between taking the class and teaching it, I’ve jumped into the material well over 25 times, and I’m always amazed at how much more I soak up each time.

Here’s what David Elliott (creator of the Healer Training Series) has to say about the Level 1 Class:

“This 2 day course gives you the basic tools of this technique. Ideally students have read the book or listened to the audio of THE RELUCTANT HEALER and HEALING and become familiar with the written information prior to the start of the class.  Once the class begins the process of understanding and connecting to your energy and intuition is initiated.  The first technique used to connect you to your energy is an ancient breathing technique known as pranayama yoga. This technique has been fine-tuned by David with over twenty years of practice and use in healing. Just the breathing training alone will give the participants an incredibly powerful tool. There will be much practical application working with the breath during this 2-day course.  Simultaneously you will be learning how to access your intuition through the openings that occur with the breathing - which will provide you with an unobstructed pathway to spirit. The intuition exercises have been specifically created for this class. Your connection to spirit will be powerful. Spirit always shows up as you learn to access it though your energy!  Once this connection is made you will learn how to work with energy to bring about your own healing. This is accomplished by clearing the blocks on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. And finally the healing work segues into an understanding of how to work with others. You will have a partner each day to work and share your gifts with. Each person's gifts and talents are brought out to establish originality with each healer. The whole class is a lot of fun!”

"After watching Scott teach the class I realize there are parts of the class he teaches better than me. If you have any desire to be a healer take this class, you will learn a lot about yourself, your intuition, and healing!" David Elliott

 Saturday & Sunday, November 13-14, 2010
Time:   9am-4pm  (arrive early to avoid being late)

Where:  97 Green Street Apt G3
            Greenpoint, Brooklyn 11222
            (718) 757-2758

Exchange:  $475  **Payment Plans are available for this class.

How to Register: Call Scott on 310-922-4890 or send an email to, I’ll give you complete payment instructions.

Bring: A Notebook and Pen, Folded blanket or yoga mat, Eye Pillow if you have one, and any healing tools you may have (oils, sage, etc. and don’t worry if you don’t yet have any.)  We'll move between sitting on the floor and laying down for the breath meditations.  If you tend to get chilly, bring a warmer layer to put on.

Directions:  You can take the G train to the Greenpoint avenue stop and exit the train station towards India street.  You will be on Manhattan avenue.  From there cross India street and continue walking north on Manhattan for two blocks. Turn left onto Green street. We are the cream colored warehouse at the end of the block. There are many doors on this building.  Ours says 97 Green Street Apt G3.

(310) 922-4890

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

COURAGE ~ Ecstatic Breathwork at The Hub, Friday, Nov 5 8-9:30pm

Friday, November 5th ~ 8:00-9:30pm ~ The Hub (West LA)

Courage ~ 
The root of COURAGE is the French word Coeur, meaning Heart.  With that in mind, we will explore, dive deeper into, and immerse through breath, attention, and Awareness into what the Yogis and High Beings of the Himalayas call the Cave of the Heart, the place where steadiness, strength, trust, love, and COURAGE are waiting for You.

Breath Deep. Heart Awake. Body Soft. Attention Clear and Present.

Join Us.

When:       FRIDAY night 11/5/10  8-9:30pm   
                    ((Arrive early to avoid being late))
Exchange:       $35
Where:      The Hub (
                    2001 S Barrington Ave, Suite 150, Los Angeles, CA 90025-5363 US
                    { S Barrington Ave between LaGrange and Mississippi }
                    Entrance for the Hub is located on street level at the ground floor of the
                    parking structure located on South Barrington Avenue.
Bring:          Yoga mat and/or blanket-we'll be sitting on the floor at first then lying down
                     for the breathwork.
RSVP:        You can reserve your spot through The Hub  310-575-4200

These ECSTATIC BREATHWORKSHOPS are nothing less than a journey deeper into the experience and expression of who and what you are, a journey into the Heart of Freedom within.  Through a simple and powerful breathing meditation, you gain and deepen the tools for seeing past your former limitations, gain muscle for being your own best ally, teacher, and healer, and deeply taste a place free of insecurity, full of self-love.