Sunday, February 27, 2011

Keeping It Fresh ~ Springing Out Of The Box ~ Sun 3/6-ECSTATIC BREATHWORK @ The Hub ~ 6:30-8pm

Sunday, March 6 ~ 6:30-8pm ~ The Hub (West LA)

Keeping It Fresh ~ Springing Out Of The Box

Where could your life use a little more flavor, a little more funk, a little more play?  When anything becomes monotonous, it can lose the inner juice that makes life ALIVE.  Shaking things up a bit, cleaning out clutter, experimenting, and getting out on the edge can bring a wave of energy, a fountain of freedom, and a torrent of fun to anything and everything.     

Breath Deep. Heart Awake. Body Soft. Attention Clear and Present.

Join Us.

When:       SUNDAY night 3/6/11  6:30-8pm   
                    ((Arrive early to avoid being late))
Exchange:       $35
Where:      The Hub (
                    2001 S Barrington Ave, Suite 150, Los Angeles, CA 90025-5363 US
                    { S Barrington Ave between LaGrange and Mississippi }
                    Entrance for the Hub is located on street level at the ground floor of the
                    parking structure located on South Barrington Avenue.
Bring:          Yoga mat and/or blanket-we'll be sitting on the floor at first then lying down
                     for the breathwork.
RSVP:        You can reserve your spot through The Hub  310-575-4200

These ECSTATIC BREATHWORKSHOPS are nothing less than a journey deeper into the experience and expression of who and what you are, a journey into the Heart of Freedom within.  Through a simple and powerful breathing meditation, you gain and deepen the tools for seeing past your former limitations, gain muscle for being your own best ally, teacher, and healer, and deeply taste a place free of insecurity, full of self-love.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Healer Training 1 Day Intensive ~ Friday, March 25th, 9:30am-5pm

FRIDAY, MARCH 25th ~ Accelerated LEVEL 1 Healer Training Class
On Friday, March 25th from 9:30am-5pm, I’ll be teaching David Elliott’s LEVEL 1 HEALER TRAINING class at my home in West Hollywood as a 1-day intensive.  

(This is the perfect thing to prepare those of you who'd like to step into the Level 2 Class with David over the weekend Sat/Sun March 26-27 at The Hub in West LA.)

Whether you're looking for deeper healing and capacity for Self-Love, and/or are feeling ready for more tools to help others, this class is for you, and a lot of FUN!

The Intention for this class is: "To bring out your gifts as a healer so you can heal yourself and others, and to give you tools and practical experience doing healing work that will solidify confidence in your own gifts, thus increasing your ability to see, hear, feel and intuit the truth."

"After watching Scott teach the class I realize there are parts of the class he teaches better than me. If you have any desire to be a healer take this class, you will learn a lot about yourself, your intuition, and healing!"  ~ David Elliott

If you ever find yourself with people, this class is for YOU!  $250.  To reserve your place, please reply to this email or call (310) 922-4890.   

When:   Friday, March 25th, 2010
Time:       9:30am –5:00pm

Exchange:   $250

Where:  1226 Havenhurst Dr. #9
                (Havenhurst is 1 block West of Crescent Heights between Santa Monica Blvd and Fountain Ave)

Parking:    Since this is a daytime workshop on a Friday, you may be able to find spots in the neighborhood.  No permits are needed until 7pm.  Watch the signs for alternate street parking on Fridays. There’s also the West Hollywood City Lot just South of Santa Monica Blvd behind Out Of The Closet between Havenhurst and La Jolla.  The City Lot is $1 per hour in quarters and you can park there for up to 10 hours.

48hrs cancellation by phone for this workshop. (310) 922-4890

BRING:      A folded blanket and/or yoga mat to lay on for the breathing meditation, eye pillow if you have one, Journal & Pen, any cushions for sitting on, water, and a smile!


Friday, February 18, 2011

TONIGHT! @ The Hub ~ Fri 2/18 -ECSTATIC BREATHWORK 8-9:30pm

Friday, February 19 ~ 8:00-9:30pm ~ The Hub (West LA) 

Full Moon Ecstasy ~ Immersing in the River of Love

The Heart carries a certain nectar (amrita in Sanskrit).  This Friday night, with Awareness, ECSTATIC BREATHWORK, and intention we’ll take a bath in this sacred river that courses through an open heart.  You’re ready.  Come drink deeply and rejuvenate, drink deeply and refresh your resolution, drink deeply and return to the freedom of love without cause.      

Breath Deep. Heart Awake. Body Soft. Attention Clear and Present.

Join Us.

When:       FRIDAY night 2/18/11  8-9:30pm  
                    ((Arrive early to avoid being late))
Exchange:       $35
Where:      The Hub (
                    2001 S Barrington Ave, Suite 150, Los Angeles, CA 90025-5363 US
                    { S Barrington Ave between LaGrange and Mississippi }
                    Entrance for the Hub is located on street level at the ground floor of the
                    parking structure located on South Barrington Avenue.
Bring:          Yoga mat and/or blanket-we'll be sitting on the floor at first then lying down
                     for the breathwork.
RSVP:        You can reserve your spot through The Hub  310-575-4200

These ECSTATIC BREATHWORKSHOPS are nothing less than a journey deeper into the experience and expression of who and what you are, a journey into the Heart of Freedom within.  Through a simple and powerful breathing meditation, you gain and deepen the tools for seeing past your former limitations, gain muscle for being your own best ally, teacher, and healer, and deeply taste a place free of insecurity, full of self-love.