Saturday, July 23, 2011

Gaia's Overdose

Track marks up and down
Arms and legs
Trailed with our
Cast away past
The wrappers telling time
Strata of unmet needs
Straddling broken pipe dreams.

You and I aren't that
different Mama,
we're really just the same
in the bright fast car
gaining speed
in no one's name.
I can't take this pace
this drive for speed
I'm crashing over and over
doing it again
calling it a creed.

Your blood is so
translucent Mama
phosphorescent glow
winter morning pills popped
oozing through rivers
surging spring melt flow.

Needles stacked
Pickup sticks
Art without a show.
Strewn down stretching shores
Confetti for post-modern stage

Are you throwing me off your back
was it something that I've said?
Seismic fits and coughs
rattling the cage
the matrix with its deep red tear
ripping through carotid arteries of trade
a whole new signal to the brain.

You and I aren't that
different Mama,
we're really just the same
in the bright fast car
gaining speed
in no one's name.
I can't take this pace
this drive for speed
I'm crashing over and over
doing it again
calling it a creed.

You're clearly on a bender Mama
wracking in the pain
We're in the same fast car
Dying in no one's name.

All rights reserved 2011 ~ Scott Patrick Schwenk

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Deep Bang, Less Bucks ~ New Format for Breathwork at The Hub

This week marks the beginning of a new format for Breathwork classes at The Hub.  We're endeavoring to bring the actual experience that the Breathwork opens up to as many people as are ready to Soar!  Rather than full-on workshops, these sessions will now be 1 hour dives focused primarily on the experience of the Breathwork at the drop-in rate of $20 (or less if you're using a series pass that includes access to yoga, meditation, and breathwork classes)


Friday, July 17 ~ 8-9pm ~ The Hub (West LA)

Going Further

What is further for you?  In a safe, strong, loving container, this Friday night, you’re invited to Go Further.  Further into love, Further into self-acceptance, Further into the Unknown, Further into the Truth of You.

I’m also feeling called to bring in more work with Sound.  The Hub has a number of profoundly resonant quartz crystal singing bowls.  The vibration from these quartz bowls moves through the physical and subtle bodies, melting through old structures, old beliefs, melting them back into simple vibrant energy that can be used as fuel for Anything.

Using simple tools of PERSPECTIVE, Awareness, and Breath, you’ll strengthen your tools for deepening your own process of Freedom...

Breath Deep. Heart Awake. Body Soft. Attention Clear and Present.

Join Us.

When:       FRIDAY night 6/17  8-9pm (1 hour) 
                    ((Arrive early to avoid being late))
Exchange:       $20 drop-in rate/or purchase a series
Where:      The Hub (
                    2001 S Barrington Ave, Suite 150, Los Angeles, CA 90025-5363 US
                    { S Barrington Ave between LaGrange and Mississippi }
                    Entrance for the Hub is located on street level at the ground floor of the
                    parking structure located on South Barrington Avenue.
Bring:          Yoga mat and/or blanket-we'll be sitting on the floor at first then lying down
                     for the breathwork.
RSVP:        You can reserve your spot through The Hub  310-575-4200

These ECSTATIC BREATHWORKSHOPS are nothing less than a journey deeper into the experience and expression of who and what you are, a journey into the Heart of Freedom within.  Through a simple and powerful breathing meditation, you gain and deepen the tools for seeing past your former limitations, gain muscle for being your own best ally, teacher, and healer, and deeply taste a place free of insecurity, full of self-love.