Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Effortless Meditation: Level 1 - At Home Course with En*theos Academy

This Summer is getting started with quite a bit of energy in tow, have you noticed?  Explosive planetary lineups, solar flares, not to mention all of the shifts and changes in global structures like economies, governments, and more.

Circumstances will continue to come and go.  Poignant moments will continue to present themselves in life.  How we meet them and experience the moment-by-moment of our real-time lives is determined by the capacity to become present, still, and clear...to return to the visceral sense of “All Is Well”, even when situations would seem to reflect otherwise.

I’m very excited to be partnering with Brian Johnson’s Entheos Academy in offering at-home courses and workshops.  The first workshop I’m offering is Effortless Meditation: Level 1 ~ The Sweet-Spots of Attention that Drop You Deeper Into Meditation .  This 4-part series can be taken live, or at your own convenience.  Entheos makes it so simple and easy to get the most out of the Course.  The live Course will be 4 – 75minute sessions on June 27, July 11, 18 & 25 starting at 6:30 PST/  9:30 EST.  If you need to miss a session, don’t worry, they’re all being recorded.  AND a teaching assistant will be taking copious notes, extracting all the big ideas from each

Completing this 4-part series will leave you feeling confident about your ability to sit quietly for 20 minutes or more and emerge refreshed, renewed, and able to access increasing capacities for insight, intuition, and self-love.

Here’s the live link to the juicy details of the Course and registration:  http://www.entheos.com/academy/courses/Effortless-Meditation-Level-1

You might even put together a group of friends to take it with you; like a fun study group in Freedom :-)

See you on the first call!


Scott Schwenk
Follow on Twitter:  Scott_Schwenk


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Insecurity is an Evolutionary Force

Has it yet become obvious that dealing with waves of insecurity is natural to human life? 

From one perspective, insecurity is a powerful evolutionary force in a human.  The discomfort of insecurity, used with awareness, forces seeking clarity, stimulates the search for freedom. 

After enough attempts to change physical reality, only to still be faced with more waves of unsettling not-knowing, a larger question looms:  Why are we so awkward with not knowing, not being in control of all of the forces of life?  It's an aspect of fear.  Fear of what?  If we’re going to bother to animate fear, to actively give energy to fear and thoughts of fear, we might as well be crystal clear on what it is we’re indeed afraid of. 

Say you’re afraid there’s a boogey monster in the closet.  Do you know for certain that one is there?  One either is or is not crouched in there.  Why not find out?  If there really is someone lurking in the closet, there are things that can be done.  If it’s just the product of imagination, opening the door and looking is a common sense action to move on and reclaim the wasted energy of pointless worry.

So the question remains, are the fears that are claiming dominion over your personal energy, your creative thinking power, and your freedom rightly justified by circumstances, or simply made up?

Insecurity rightly studied reveals illusion in each and every case.  This doesn’t imply that having insecurity makes one less of a person in any way, shape, or form.  It merely points at the places where one isn’t yet consciously embodying the true Wholeness.

The Saints, Sages, and Siddhas have said, and continue to say in so many ways, “You are Whole, you are complete, you are One with your Creator.  Wake up.  See the Truth.”

Insecurity is gift to let you and I know very precisely where this embodiment of Wholeness needs exacting and focused attention through Living Practices over time to dissolve the attachment to some form of illusion. 

The Truth is Wholeness.  Anything less is made up.  Concerted effort at reconciling this and living it fully is the work of the spiritual path.

All Rights Reserved, Scott Patrick Schwenk 2012

Saturday, April 14, 2012


in all of the walks of
Seemingly endless days
Always ending,
This beginningless
makes itself known
in the secret chamber of my Heart.
I wonder if you too
are becoming intoxicated on
its fragrance.

Scott Patrick Schwenk    4/12/12

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Freedom Sessions ~ Living In Wholeness: Wednesday, April 18th 7-8:30pm


Living In Wholeness
Wednesday, April 18th ~ 7:00pm – 8:30pm
$40 minimum donation

There is a sacred mantra from the Upanishads known as the Purna Mantra.  This mantra points directly at the Truth of our eternal nature; Wholeness.  As a core aspect of this evening, you will receive and work with this potent and transformative mantra, and if you’ve already received it, you’ll be initiated into it’s essence more deeply.

Empowered Mantra reveals Truth.  Mantra is spiritual force in sound form and has the ability to return you to the Awareness of your Divine Nature.

After working with the mantra, we’ll dive into the Ecstatic Breathwork, a breathing meditation designed to clear blocks, open pathways, and reveal Truth...

“The Freedom Sessions” are shorter workshops designed as a place to renew, refocus, recharge, and accelerate the process of Living Free...drawing on timeless wisdom and a lineage of infinite Grace, these gatherings are about directly experiencing the Truth of freedom within.  Using Ecstatic Breathwork, Meditation, Question & Answer, and other tools, we’ll dive straight into the Heart...

Breath Deep. Heart Awake. Body Soft. Attention Clear.

Join Us.

When:   Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

Time:       7:00-8:30pm  (Arrive EARLY to avoid being late....give extra time for parking and settling in)

Minimum Donation:  $40 per person  

Where:  1226 Havenhurst Dr. #9
                (Havenhurst is 1 block West of Crescent Heights between Santa Monica Blvd and Fountain Ave)

Parking:    It’s best to park at a meter on Santa Monica Blvd or in the West Hollywood City Lot just South of Santa Monica Blvd behind Out Of The Closet between Havenhurst and La Jolla.  The City Lot is $1 per hour in quarters.  Other meters in the area are free after 6pm.

RSVP:      Due to size of the space, please RSVP to hold your place.  If need be, we’ll start a waiting list.
24hrs cancellation by phone. (310) 922-4890

BRING:      A folded blanket and/or yoga mat to lay on for the breathing meditation, eye pillow if you have one, Journal & Pen, any cushions for sitting on, water, and a smile!


Scott Schwenk
Follow on Twitter:  Scott_Schwenk

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Freedom Sessions: Wednesday, March 14th 7-8:30pm

We Become What We Focus On:  Tuning To The HIGHEST
Wednesday, March 14th ~ 7:00pm – 8:30pm
$40 minimum donation

Life is accelerating with every day.  There are infinite objects and situations to focus attention on.  What do YOU focus on?

Whatever we’re focused on gets magnified in our experience.  Most people know this in theory, but how many practice it consciously, moment-to-moment?

“The Freedom Sessions” are shorter workshops designed as a place to renew, refocus, recharge, and accelerate the process of Living Free...drawing on timeless wisdom and a lineage of infinite Grace, these gatherings are about directly experiencing the Truth of freedom within.  Using Ecstatic Breathwork, Meditation, Question & Answer, we’ll dive straight into the Heart...

Breath Deep. Heart Awake. Body Soft. Attention Clear.

Join Us.

When:   Wednesday, March 14th, 2012

Time:       7:00-8:30pm  (Arrive EARLY to avoid being late....give extra time for parking and settling in)

Minimum Donation:  $40 per person  

Where:  1226 Havenhurst Dr. #9
                (Havenhurst is 1 block West of Crescent Heights between Santa Monica Blvd and Fountain Ave)

Parking:    It’s best to park at a meter on Santa Monica Blvd or in the West Hollywood City Lot just South of Santa Monica Blvd behind Out Of The Closet between Havenhurst and La Jolla.  The City Lot is $1 per hour in quarters.  Other meters in the area are free after 6pm.

RSVP:      Due to size of the space, please RSVP to hold your place.  If need be, we’ll start a waiting list.
24hrs cancellation by phone. (310) 922-4890

BRING:      A folded blanket and/or yoga mat to lay on for the breathing meditation, eye pillow if you have one, Journal & Pen, any cushions for sitting on, water, and a smile!


Scott Schwenk
Follow on Twitter:  Scott_Schwenk