On Saturday, August 1st from 1pm (sharp)-4pm, I’m excited to offer the first NYC ALCHEMY OF TRANSFORMATION: A Breathwork Immersion at Virayoga in Soho. $75 pre-registered (by July 31) $100 at the door.
The Alchemy of Transformation is a 3-hour workshop whose main aim is to use the power of Awareness and Breath to fire up the crucible for lasting transformation. There will be 4 rounds of an ancient rhythmic breathing meditation increasing in length through each round. Prior to each round we'll work with potent questions whose aim is to invite Awareness to reveal itSelf more clearly within. You will leave this workshop with concrete living practices for transformation, and have taken a profound leap in your ability to be your own best healer, teacher, guru, and guide through any circumstance in which you find yourself.
580 Broadway, Suite 205
(btw Prince and Houston)
NY, NY 10012

Pre-register by emailing staff@virayoga.com
Private Sessions in NYC:
Friday 7/31 and Monday 8/3 by appointment at my office at 26th and Broadway. Call (310) 922-4890 to schedule your sessions.

And there will be a special Full-Moon/Eclipse breathing/healing workshop on Wednesday, Aug 5th in the East Village:
Using the LIGHT to Navigate the Shadow
In this special BreathWorks collaboration with Didge Project (AJ Block and Tyler Sussman), we'll be working with the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse which will both be reaching their peak at 8:55pm this night, and an ancient rhythmic breathing meditation to magnify your Awareness, and expand your capacity to reveal and release any illusions you may still be carrying around LOVE. AJ and Tyler will be playing Didgeridoos during the breathwork. The Didge is said to be the very first instrument, after the human voice, and carries powerful vibrations to heal, reveal, release, and Awaken. Come join us!
When: Wednesday, August 5th, 2009
Time: 8:00pm (sharp) - 9:30pm
Where: Gallery 151, 350 Bowery (between E. 3rd St. and E. 4th St.)
Exchange: $40
Bring: Something to sit on and lay on for the breathwork (ie; yoga mat or folded blanket) and a small bottle of water.
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