Thursday, January 7, 2010

30 Days + of Gratitude ~ Day 29

  1. I am grateful to all the writers who've come before me, and to those writing right now.  Your willingness to be inspired, courage to express the inspiration and share it, and your discipline to keep opening to the inspiration and expressing no matter what are a palpable support for me and all writers to be supported by.  Thank you!
  2. I am grateful to the Bees who keep showing up around me outside (noticeably) for the last 6+ months when I'm opening my heart.  You bookmark the power and sweetness of grounded Love so I remember it, and ingrain it as the go-to choice in every moment.  You teach me to stay at one flower long enough to gather nectar, while also not overly harvesting from any one flower.
  3. I am grateful to the ever deepening impulse to clean and organize ALL aspects of my life, not just the ones that are visibly obvious to others.  "How you do anything is how you do everything." ~ David Elliott
  4. I am grateful for the power of collaboration.  I'm just now leaning into this power with more active trust.  So much can be accomplished by a group of committed wisdom-keepers coming together in a grounded way.  I invite more conscious, inspired, grounded collaboration to come into my life, my business, and my playtime in ways that benefit all involved, and rippling out to all of our relations.
  5. I am grateful to the power of meditation, dhyaana.  You continue to teach me ever more deeply how to focus powerfully without the use of forceful will.  I intend to cultivate and expand my relationship with you much more this year, and all the days to follow.

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