Friday, December 11, 2009

30 Days + of Gratitude ~ Day 3

  1. I am grateful for the sound and smell of rain so gently escorting me through the layers of sleeping, dreaming, and waking last night and extended morning reading in bed.
  2. I am grateful for remembrance, in particular, this morning finding myself automatically remembering, connecting with the feeling of Flow in, through, and as me this morning under the covers.
  3. I am grateful for the reflection of the hearts of people around me reaching towards mine as it continues to trust it's own new expanded opening.
  4. I am grateful for openness to being supported and guided, in particular this morning through the guidance of trainer Griffin White who's gotten me to start eating breakfast every morning (even though I still fight through not wanting to, lol) as I'm feeling stronger and stronger in my body/mind and in my workouts.  It's making a huge difference through a small act.
  5. I am supremely grateful for all the teachings coming my way about a world where there truly is enough through the book "The Soul of Money" by Lynne Twist.  It's reorganizing me ever deeper towards a fully expanded, trusting, world of Plenty for You and Me.  It's got me looking at money as a current that can be a reflection of my deepest core values, and an expression of my appreciation.

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